Hong's Spot

Chicken McFlurry

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Argh. Problems.

I usually say this every summer, but I am going to lose weight over the next few weeks,
to look like a new person when the new term starts.

I have been putting on weight, as I have been stuffing myself a lot recently,
must be all the money I'm making! At least I think I'm putting on weight anyway...
So, I've decided to start fasting. It will start today and will probably end in about a week,
All I'm going to have is low-sugar drinks, a small meal every 3 days perhaps, and also cigarettes.
I will also cut down on the alcohol intake and make it less pints and more vodka instead. This is so I can feel healthier and feel a bit more comfortable and also hopefully, look better as well.

Everybody knows that nobody likes to be fat, I would not put myself in the category of "Fat" but I and others still see myself as overweight so am going to try and change that as soon as possible. Also, the more weight I lose, the more easy it will be when I start my exercise regime to join the army, but more about that later.

This new job that I've got as a fundraiser is quite stressful. It gets me down quite a lot at times, but at least I've met a lot of new friends and most of them are quite easy to get on with. As always I am expanding my social circle, but now it's getting quite difficult to keep up with. I hardly have time for my housemates these days, i.e. A and H. B is not back from his summer holidays at home yet. With H, his English is quite weak and he doesn't drink so I don't mix with him too much anyway, A has been annoying me a fair bit recently with his complaining.

He has every right to complain about the mess that I make and not clean up, but he does not realise he does things that gets on my nerves too. Everytime he comes into my room, he picks the guitar up but always puts it down somewhere where it gets in my way. There is a pile of newspapers in the toilet which he leaves, everytime A and H have a shave, they leave a big mess of foam and facial hair in the sink.

I hardly ever cook, I usually only ever leave a pot or a couple of plates uncleaned for a while, but when he has been cooking, there is usually a chopping board with a lot of stuff on it and various other pots not cleaned. I have replaced the plastic bags in the living room several times but I do not tell anyone coz I don't feel I have to. At this moment there are 3 empty beer cans sitting in the living room which were all drank by A and are still there, have been there for about a week. Sometimes when I'm not in, my alarm clock goes off which is obviously an annoying thing. He has mentioned it to me a few times, I try not to let it happen. Funny thing is his alarm clock has done the same once or twice, but I did not let it bother me, I just let it be. I've let him had his way with the internet and landline which is BT, a bit more expensive than bulldog broadband and virgin media but he wanted something that would come in the same bill, instead of several bills from different companies, which is fair enough. I've also lent him one of my mobile phones because I have 2 contracts and I really only need 1 phone, so that he need not pay for credit on his other phone since I'm still paying for the contract anyway, although I expect him to pay for anything that goes over the minutes allowance. He took the best (debatable) room in the house. I've been as nice as possible to him, tolerant and doing everything I can when I have time. I have never taken out the bin bags but I still do a lot of other things and I don't mind when he doesn't do things.

The difference is that I am tolerant and just get on with it without bitching because I know somebody will get rid of it at some point, I don't want to clean other people's mess but I won't bitch about it either. I know I owed A quite a fair bit of money but there is no reason as to why I should be pushed around because I've paid him back completely.

I love him as a friend but I'm beginning to have doubts as to whether it was a good idea moving in with him. Sometimes it can be a lot of heartache because every now and again, he can be a really good friend but also quite vicious and vitriolic. It's no secret that I am a lazy bastard but there should always be a bit of room for everyone, if that makes any sense...

Oh well, I suppose it will all work out and everything will be fine...