I've found out the hard way that i don't like football match referees.
Oh well.
Anyways, I'm now settled in JB, Malaysia,
the jet lag is gone, almost. The late night football
is not really helping me overcome it.
Been trying to go to bed early,
trying to make it a new habit.
it's kind of working, nowadays I fall asleep once the first match ends.
Might be smth to do with the fact that I try and go to the gym for about an hour
each day. back in the ktj days, 3km jogs were so so so much easier..
Was supposed to meet up with dhany, but parents suddenly decided to become annoying, which is surprising, coz they've been quite nice until that particular day.
this coming 30th, I will be makin my way up to KTJ,
see the juniors, i miss them quite a bit.
People who have not been to boarding school will never understand how much fun it is, and what it's like..
I hope the slight scouse accent does not bother anyone. but i can already see it coming, typical Malaysian dumbass mentality; "you think you got new accent you very cool issit?"
Well, better a scouse accent than a posh London one. Personally, I'm glad I lost it during KTJ. It's a bit snobbish.
I can't wait to get out of this hellhole of a country.
Malaysia. I hate it I hate it I hate it.
Or more accurately, I hate the dumbfucks that populate it.
I'm generalising here, there are a lot of nice msian people out there.
But you have to wonder, if you hold the door open for the person, do you have to get looked at like you are a fuckin doorman? I get completely ignored while the fucks that i just held the door for just walk past with their noses held high.
no fuckin manners. want to castrate them all. is a simple "thank you" really that hard?
and what's with the whole narrow-minded-ness. I feel like I'm living in an Asian version of the United States. People here don't stop to listen to others. Their own opinion is always the best, nothing else can be considered. People here behave as if expressing a different opinion is like a fuckin declaration of war.
maybe it's just JB, but i find it so difficult here, people don't speak english that well.
Me: My SIM card is expired, and the phone does not work. Is it possible to
put some money in it or do I have to get a new card?..
Phoneshop man: *turns phone on and off, on and off*
Me: excuse me? ... ??
Phoneshop man: *takes out my SIM card, puts it in his own phone*
Me: uh...
Phoneshop man: ah, SIM cad SIM cad expire oredi.
Me: I told you that..
P M: ah, mas bai niu wan.
quite a rant..
I'm probably gonna regret posting this as soon as i post it.
yeah. i dunno how the whole meeting up thing is gonna happen though..
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