Shirley Phelps Roper
This is the SICKEST person I have ever seen. And I don't mean sick in a good way.
Was just surfin around online yesterday, when I came a cross a video, about some people protesting against the war, and I thought "Hmm, war is never a good thing, I wonder what this is about. Probably the same as usual."
Boy was I wrong.
This woman, and her
I've got one word for this woman.
WTF! (actually it's three words, but.. hehe, saying i've got one word sounds cooler than saying i've got three words)
I personally don't agree with war, but I've long accepted the fact that sometimes, war is necessary. Even when war isn't necessary, what's happened has happened. I think it was wrong for Bush and America to go and attack Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place. But it's already happened, and who knows, maybe he was right in doing it, none of us will ever know what REALLY happened and what was going on in Iraq before the Americans attacked..
But can't they do their protesting somewhere else? How insensitive is it, to say "Thank God For Dead Soldiers" and "You are Going to Hell" in front of a large group of people who are mourning, while bodies are being buried, with mothers who are crying their eyes out because their sons have just died?
This woman actually even says "Thank God For 9/11", saying that there is so much sin, everybody is being punished and is facing the wrath of God. She justifies everything she says, with religion. This person is just as bad as the damned bastards who killed innocent people by the plane-loads (literally) by flying their planes into the World Trade Centre towers, if she's going to justify the shit that she's doing with religion.
If you watch the video, you can see young children getting involved with the protests. Do they really want their children protesting at funerals? At funerals of dead soldiers? At funerals of dead soldiers who risked their lives for their country? (Admittedly, I'm sure that not all of them risked their lives for their country but some did it coz they couldn't get a better job, etc. but THAT'S NOT THE POINT.) It's amazing what kind of things some people teach their kids, but I'd like to see how these children turn out when they grow up into adults.
My friends will know I'm not a religious person, in fact, I'm agnostic. However, recently I've been thinking of picking up a religion.. was considering Islam, but now, I'm quite keen on Christianity, but people like this just TOTALLY put me off. How fucked up is this woman. She's the one who's gonna go to hell.
If she had a child who went to the war and died, she would be saying something completely different..
You can tell she's obviously a little disturbed. Watch the video carefully, you'll see this strange smirk and emotionless smile across her face. BOY would I like to wipe that smile off her face by blowing her up into smithereens. btw, christianity does not condone violence. :P
And what the hell has homosexuality have anything to do with the war and dead soldiers? Why are they holding up signs saying stuff against gay people?
It's totally irrelevant! (just to clarify, I'm 100% straight)
crazy ppl nowadays eh?
Oh man..this people are totalld crazy..fancy bringing up the kids to become angry people.. =S
Generations after generations of angry people..
WHat a sad state the world will tuen out to be.. =S
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