Trip to Bath
WAY back in march, I went to Bath!
it was a friend's birthday, so down I went from liverpool, enduring an extremely long coach ride.
National Express may be a cheap way to travel, but it certainly isn't very suitable for long rides. Come to think of it, it's not entirely that cheap either..
a truly beautiful place, and it's so.. tranquil.

No idea what this place is. Probably some cathedral kind of thing.
Looks nice though! Compared to some of the other places I'd been to, much more photo-taking to be done, coz it just looked so nice. gave my Samsung Digimax camera much more work than usual.

The whole group after walking around loads and loads, decided that we'd stop next to a place called Fudge Factory. Didn't buy any myself, but some people got some chocolate fudge and some coffee. I tried some, not exactly my type of food, but it wasn't too bad.
Hmm.. don't know bout that slogan, "hand made with love" sounds a little too cliche-ish to me.
After a whole lot of walking-around and looking at stuff, (we did not go into the Roman baths because they cost 10 pounds per entry and i was skint) off we went back to the birthday boy's house, and just relaxed.
Twas an interesting trip, would defintely like to live there, it's just so peaceful, compared to places like London which are just too busy.
Would definitely recommend the place, for anyone who hasn't been there yet, to go and visit. It's a really posh place though..
i'd say bath. i've been to both, and bath is somewhat more touristy if u know what i mean.
That's catheral thingy is the Bath Abbey, it's one of the grandest church that I had ever visited (interior) as a tourist =P
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